When Where Matters

Experience COTAK, Colorado’s free real-time location service for emergency responders.


Situational Awareness


Team Coordination

COTAK: By The Numbers



Users include law enforcement, firefighters, search and rescue, and other public safety agencies.



COTAK serves public safety agencies of varying sizes based in Colorado.



Channels are used to customize the information needs of agencies displayed on the COTAK application.

Real-Time Location Information at Your Fingertips

The Colorado Team Awareness Kit (COTAK) is a real-time location service available to all Colorado public safety agencies. By using COTAK, emergency responders can significantly enhance their situational awareness, safety, and team coordination.

Using dots on a map, COTAK users can locate themselves, their team members, and other enrolled agency personnel in real-time. In addition, COTAK provides advanced features that can be customized to meet the specific needs of fire, law enforcement, search and rescue, and other public safety agencies.

COTAK is available free of charge to all Colorado public safety agencies. Join us in deploying the future of public safety, and sign up for COTAK now.



  • Wheat Ridge Police Department
  • Tri-County Volunteer Fire Department
  • DPD Metro SWAT
  • Boulder Police Department
  • El Paso County Sheriff's Office
  • Mountain View Fire Protection District
  • Colorado Bureau of Investigation
  • Brighton Police Department
  • Mesa County Search and Rescue
  • Eagle County Emergency Management
  • Mesa County Sheriff
  • Arapahoe County Sheriff
  • Golden Fire Department
  • Routt County Sheriff's Office


Introducing CDOT Cameras

Introducing CDOT Cameras

February 24th, 2025
COTAK Program Team

Live roadside video camera feeds from CDOT are now available for all TAK apps, including iTAK! With nearly 700 cameras covering interstates and major highways across Colorado, this capability allows COTAK users to gain unique situational awareness on weather conditions and traffic incidents and can be selectively enabled or hidden in the apps. Follow the instructions to download the package containing the camera feeds.

COTAK Aided MCSAR in Rescuing a Four-Legged Friend

COTAK Aided MCSAR in Rescuing a Four-Legged Friend

February 3rd, 2025
Dana Way

On January 2, 2025, the Mesa County Search & Rescue (MCSAR) team received a call to rescue a trapped dog near Collbran, CO. This rescue was unique and challenging because the dog, named Tiny, was stuck on a mountainside with rugged and elevated terrain. Thanks to the Colorado Team Awareness Kit (COTAK), the MCSAR team was able to pinpoint Tiny's location, plan their rescue operations, and ensure the safe return of both Tiny and the responders. 

As daylight faded after a six-hour rescue mission, the responders utilized COTAK to identify a safe route back to the mountain base. They successfully reunited Tiny with her owners around 10 p.m., marking a successful collaboration with Mesa County Search and Rescue and COTAK.

This story illustrates that COTAK is truly a life-saving solution for both emergency responders and our furry friends. Continue reading below for the full press release from MCSAR. 


Around 9 a.m. on January 2, 2025, Mesa County Search and Rescue (MCSAR) received a call to rescue a trapped tracking dog near Collbran, CO. The owners of the dog, named Tiny, advised MCSAR that Tiny had been tracking a mountain lion when she became stranded in the middle of a cliff face near the mountain’s summit 24 hours prior. Thanks to a GPS tracker on Tiny’s collar, the owners knew her approximate location, though realized it wasn’t somewhere they could safely reach her.

With Tiny’s approximate location known, the MCSAR team planned their rescue operations using the Colorado Team Awareness Kit (COTAK) to safely rescue her from the mountainside. However, the team quickly encountered challenging terrain, which slowed progress significantly. After some consideration, the MCSAR operations team determined that splitting the group into two teams would be more effective in finding a route through the many cliff bands that had halted progress toward Tiny’s location. A hasty team of three members, deemed Team 1, was sent to the east to try to find a break in the cliffs, while the larger group, deemed Team 2, attempted to find a gap to the west.

Over the next six hours, Team 1 carefully rappelled and climbed through the cliff bands, working toward the ridge top. They ascended several thousand feet from there before finally reaching the peak where Tiny had become trapped. After confirming Tiny’s location below, the team built a system to lower a rescuer down and retrieve her using a harness designed for dog rescue in technical terrain. At approximately 4 p.m., Tiny was raised back to the mountain's summit.

The celebration of Tiny's rescue from the cliff face was short-lived, however, as Team 1 had a new challenge: finding a safe route back to the mountain's base in diminishing light. Back at the base of the mountain, MCSAR operations team members were able to map out a different route in COTAK for Team 1 to follow. This new route took Team 1 across the other side of the mountain through snow-covered terrain, including multiple waterfalls that they rappelled off of with Tiny in tow. Due to Tiny’s diminished physical condition, Team 1 carried the dog for much of the trip. 

As Team 1 descended the mountain, MCSAR moved their staging location to the north side to gain better access to Team 1. Once relocated, Team 2 made their way up the mountain on horses provided and led by Tiny’s owner. They brought essential supplies - water and food - to replenish Team 1. Once the two groups united, the MCSAR members swapped places, giving Team 1 a much-needed break as they rode the horses the rest of the way down the mountain.

Tiny was reunited with her very thankful owners around 10 p.m., marking the end of a successful rescue mission. Every mission matters for Mesa County Search and Rescue, even if it’s Tiny.

Press release courtesy of Mesa County Search and Rescue

Announcing the iTAK Breadcrumb Tool

Announcing the iTAK Breadcrumb Tool

December 9th, 2024
COTAK Program Team

The COTAK program has begun to directly fund the development of the iOS version of TAK, known as iTAK. The first COTAK-funded feature for iTAK has been released. This feature is a breadcrumb tool that allows a user to optionally track any map marker, including their own, as it moves across the map. When engaged, this feature leaves a trail of breadcrumbs behind as the marker moves, allowing users to establish the direction of travel and a marker’s previous locations. This trail can be exported as a route or can be converted into a shape. Learn more about this feature by watching our training video.

0375 County Road 352 #2065A, Rifle, CO 81650
2025 © COTAK™ All rights reserved.